Hard Copy Proof Options

Printed Sheet from an Offset Master Plate for Proofing Proof Sheet Printed by Offset Master Plate Proof of an Entire Book Printed Using a Digital Press for Review Proof of an Entire Book Printed by a Digital Press

A hard copy proof is an important checkpoint before full production. At Ken the Book Printer, we offer two types of proofs: a sheet from the master offset plate and an entire book that is hand-bound and printed digitally.

Proofing Choices

Option 1: CMYK Offset Plate Proof

$120 (arrives in 2-3 weeks)
We create one master offset plate using the pages from your book. The plate measures approximately 30"x20" and can fit 2 to 12 pages, depending on the book size. The colors you see on this press sheet are very close to the final product, as both are produced using the same printing method and press. It’s ideal for color checking on your selected paper.

Option 2: CMYK Offset Plate Proof + Digitally Printed Hard Copy

$180 (arrives in 2-3 weeks)
For this option, in addition to running the offset plate proof, we’ll create a full book sample using a digital press, which is different from the actual production press. We’ll use similar paper stock, cover lamination, and binding methods. This digitally printed proof is ideal for reviewing the very first version, checking page alignment, and spotting typos.

Please note that there may be slight color shifts compared to the final offset production run. The default digitally printed proof will not include cover finishes such as UV, embossing, foil, etc., and it will use digital paper instead of offset paper. Additionally, the digitally printed hard proof is hand-bound rather than machine-bound like the production run.

Overall, the production run will have significantly higher quality compared to the digitally printed version.


Why isn't the option to order only a digital proof?
The digital proof is meant to show how the book comes together as a whole. Since the color and paper type differ from the production run, we bundle it with the offset plate proof to avoid confusion and provide a more complete picture.

If I’ve already done the offset plate proof, can I order the digital proof alone?
Yes, you can order the digital proof alone for $120.

How long does it take to receive the hard proof?
Three Weeks. One week production and two weeks shipping for most books.

Does the board book offset plate proof include lamination?

Does the pricing include shipping?
Yes, it includes most areas in the US and Canada. The proof will be shipped from China via air freight.

For Board Book Only

We can also create an offset proof for board books. However, the offset proof you receive will be half as thick as the final production book. This is because, later in production, two sheets are glued and compressed into one to create the final board. The color and lamination, however, will match the final production.